Narrow down the build to really required components

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Joined: Mon Jan 13, 2020 1:43 pm

Narrow down the build to really required components

Postby christian.volk » Mon Jan 13, 2020 2:02 pm

Hi all,
currently I'm trying to shrink the amount of compiled components to the absolutely minimum.
If I add the following line into to toplevel CMakeLists.txt of hello-world-example:
  1. set(COMPONENTS "main")

I get the following error during build of the project:
  1. CMake Error at C:/Development/esp-idf/components/partition_table/CMakeLists.txt:83 (esptool_py_flash_project_args):
  2.   Unknown CMake command "esptool_py_flash_project_args".

By expanding the above line as follows fixes this error:
  1. set(COMPONENTS "main" "esptool_py")

But at the same time, the following components are added to the build:
  1. Components: app_trace app_update bootloader bootloader_support cxx driver efuse esp32 esp_common esp_eth esp_event esp_ringbuf esp_rom esp_wifi espcoredump esptool_py freertos heap log lwip main mbedtls newlib nvs_flash partition_table pthread soc spi_flash tcpip_adapter vfs wpa_supplicant xtensa

Now, I'm wondering about two things:
1) Why is esptool_py strictly required and not included automatically?
2) How can I only integrate the documented set of "common" components as desrcibed in ... quirements ?

Many thanks for your replies in advance.
Best regards

Posts: 1
Joined: Tue Jul 06, 2021 10:48 am

Re: Narrow down the build to really required components

Postby norbus2000a » Tue Jul 06, 2021 10:49 am

Currently facing the same issue. Did you ever fix it?

Also, no example actually does it, hmm...

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