USB Keyboard to Bluetooth with ESP32

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USB Keyboard to Bluetooth with ESP32

Postby nullname » Sat Nov 26, 2022 9:12 am

Hello Everyone,
I'm a noob with the ESP32 but have some experience with C.

Today, I stripped the 5V, GND, D+, and D- wires of a USB Mouse and put Dupont Connectors on them and plugged them into the RX TX 5V and GND pins on my ESP32 (Lolin 32) and I installed ESP-IDF on my Windows computer.

I looked all over the internet and found that there was no project out there that converted the USB from a USB Mouse/Keyboard, sent the signals to the ESP32, processed them, and transferred the signals to the Windows computer to act as HID input.

Is there any code that does this, and if not, what am I in for in programming such code that does this.

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