ESP32 TWAI FreeRTOS Failed to queue message for transmission

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ESP32 TWAI FreeRTOS Failed to queue message for transmission

Postby caslor » Thu Mar 14, 2024 7:39 am

i am using the Arduino IDE to make a program for my ESP32 with FreeRTOS
i have almost 9 tasks with the same priority level.

i am using the TWAI to connect 2 devices (Esp32 with an arduino nano)

as a code for TWAI i am using the combined codes from ESP32->TWAI->TWAIreceive,TWAItransmit examples

when i start my system everything work fine... the esp32 transmit a default message to the Arduino Nano , Nano received it and when i press a button in the Nano then transmit a message and the ESP32 receiving it...
i have leave it like that for a day and more and everything work fine.

when the button i press in the nano sends a message that esp32 have to start one oparation (one task) then after 8-9 seconds my bus line failing.... the nano stops receiving any message and the esp32 gives me an error : Failed to queue message for transmission
that comes from this line of the code :

Code: Select all

if (twai_transmit(&message, pdMS_TO_TICKS(3000)) == ESP_OK) {
    printf("Message queued for transmission\n");
  } else {
    printf("Failed to queue message for transmission\n");
i used last time 3000 instead of the 1000 that was the default

Is any method that could make the TWAI reset ? now i have to hard reset the esp32 to fix the communication or any method that will ignore the problem and continue (until i find out what produce the error in the first place)

here is the code i am using to receive and trasmit based on the examples :

Code: Select all

#include "driver/twai.h"

// Pins used to connect to CAN bus transceiver:
#define RX_PIN 26
#define TX_PIN 27

// Intervall:
#define TRANSMIT_RATE_MS 1000
#define POLLING_RATE_MS 1000

static bool driver_installed = false;

unsigned long previousMillis = 0;  // will store last time a message was send
String texto;

Calls = 0;

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:


    TaskTWAI,     // Task function.
    "Task TWAI",  // name of task.
    2048,         // Stack size of task
    NULL,         // parameter of the task
    1,            // priority of the task
    &Task_TWAI    // Task handle to keep track of created task
  );              // pin task to core 0
  //tskNO_AFFINITY); // pin task to core is automatic depends the load of each core


void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:


void TaskTWAI(void *pvParameters) {
  // give some time at boot the cpu setup other parameters
  //vTaskDelay(1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);

  // Initialize configuration structures using macro initializers
  twai_general_config_t g_config = TWAI_GENERAL_CONFIG_DEFAULT((gpio_num_t)TX_PIN, (gpio_num_t)RX_PIN, TWAI_MODE_NO_ACK);  // TWAI_MODE_NO_ACK , TWAI_MODE_LISTEN_ONLY , TWAI_MODE_NORMAL
  twai_timing_config_t t_config = TWAI_TIMING_CONFIG_50KBITS();  //Look in the api-reference for other speed sets.
  twai_filter_config_t f_config = TWAI_FILTER_CONFIG_ACCEPT_ALL();

  // Install TWAI driver
  if (twai_driver_install(&g_config, &t_config, &f_config) == ESP_OK) {
    Serial.println("Driver installed");
  } else {
    Serial.println("Failed to install driver");

  // Start TWAI driver
  if (twai_start() == ESP_OK) {
    Serial.println("Driver started");
  } else {
    Serial.println("Failed to start driver");

  // Reconfigure alerts to detect frame receive, Bus-Off error and RX queue full states
  if (twai_reconfigure_alerts(alerts_to_enable, NULL) == ESP_OK) {
    Serial.println("CAN Alerts reconfigured");
  } else {
    Serial.println("Failed to reconfigure alerts");

  // TWAI driver is now successfully installed and started
  driver_installed = true;

  for (;;) {
    if (!driver_installed) {
      // Driver not installed
    // Check if alert happened
    uint32_t alerts_triggered;
    twai_read_alerts(&alerts_triggered, pdMS_TO_TICKS(POLLING_RATE_MS));
    twai_status_info_t twaistatus;

    // Handle alerts
    if (alerts_triggered & TWAI_ALERT_ERR_PASS) {
      Serial.println("Alert: TWAI controller has become error passive.");

    if (alerts_triggered & TWAI_ALERT_BUS_ERROR) {
      Serial.println("Alert: A (Bit, Stuff, CRC, Form, ACK) error has occurred on the bus.");
      Serial.printf("Bus error count: %d\n", twaistatus.bus_error_count);

    if (alerts_triggered & TWAI_ALERT_TX_FAILED) {
      Serial.println("Alert: The Transmission failed.");
      Serial.printf("TX buffered: %d\t", twaistatus.msgs_to_tx);
      Serial.printf("TX error: %d\t", twaistatus.tx_error_counter);
      Serial.printf("TX failed: %d\n", twaistatus.tx_failed_count);

    if (alerts_triggered & TWAI_ALERT_TX_SUCCESS) {
      Serial.println("Alert: The Transmission was successful.");
      Serial.printf("TX buffered: %d\t", twaistatus.msgs_to_tx);

    if (alerts_triggered & TWAI_ALERT_RX_QUEUE_FULL) {
      Serial.println("Alert: The RX queue is full causing a received frame to be lost.");
      Serial.printf("RX buffered: %d\t", twaistatus.msgs_to_rx);
      Serial.printf("RX missed: %d\t", twaistatus.rx_missed_count);
      Serial.printf("RX overrun %d\n", twaistatus.rx_overrun_count);

    // Check if message is received
    if (alerts_triggered & TWAI_ALERT_RX_DATA) {
      Serial.println("Testing line");
      // One or more messages received. Handle all.
      twai_message_t message;
      while (twai_receive(&message, 0) == ESP_OK) {
    // Send message
    unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
    if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= TRANSMIT_RATE_MS) {
      previousMillis = currentMillis;

static void send_message() {
  // Send message

  // Configure message to transmit
  twai_message_t message;
  message.identifier = 0x25;
  message.data_length_code = 8;
  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {[i] = 10;

  // Queue message for transmission
  if (twai_transmit(&message, pdMS_TO_TICKS(3000)) == ESP_OK) {
    printf("Message queued for transmission\n");
  } else {
    printf("Failed to queue message for transmission\n");
    printf("twai Stoped\n");
    printf("twai Started\n");


static void handle_rx_message(twai_message_t& message) {
  // Process received message
  if (message.extd) {
    Serial.println("Message is in Extended Format");
  } else {
    Serial.println("Message is in Standard Format");
  Serial.printf("ID: %x\nByte:", message.identifier);
  if (!(message.rtr)) {
    for (int i = 0; i < message.data_length_code; i++) {
      Serial.printf(" %d = %02x,", i,[i]);

  if (message.identifier == 0x20) {
    // working also and with 02  instead of  0x02
    if ([0] == 0x01) {
      if (Moving == false) {
        Serial.println("Down call");
        if (Calls != 0 && FloorPosition != 0) {
          Calls = 0;
    if ([0] == 0x02) {
      if (Moving == false) {
        Serial.println("up call");
        if (Calls != 1 && FloorPosition != 1) {
          Calls = 1;

Thanks in advance

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