ESP-BLE-MESH provisioning device authentication issue

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ESP-BLE-MESH provisioning device authentication issue

Postby AmineDiab » Wed Mar 04, 2020 12:08 pm

Hi all,
I am running the ble mesh console node example (esp-idf v4.1), using Putty terminal and nrf Mesh App. Two issue arise, first after the bminit command is entered I get the following error:
BLE_MESH: generic_server_init, No Generic Server context provided, model_id 0x1000

The second issue, is the App allows the user to select, No OBB or Output OOB, I have configured the device to accept output OOB with a 2 digit number(bmoob), which works fine, however, I can still authenticate by selecting No OOB!
I want the provision to fail if user selects No OOB! how can i achieve that goal?

Thanks in advance,

esp32> bmreg
esp32> bmoob -x 2 -o 8
esp32> bminit -m 0x1000
esp32> bmnbearer -b 0x3 -e 1

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