How to use uart_intr_config_t?

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How to use uart_intr_config_t?

Postby akwebber » Sun Mar 10, 2024 10:45 am


I'm trying to figure out how to properly fill out the uart_intr_config_t structure, in particular the first field, which is the interrupt mask.

typedef struct {
uint32_t intr_enable_mask; /*!< UART interrupt enable mask, choose from UART_XXXX_INT_ENA_M under UART_INT_ENA_REG(i), connect with bit-or operator*/
uint8_t rx_timeout_thresh; /*!< UART timeout interrupt threshold (unit: time of sending one byte)*/
uint8_t txfifo_empty_intr_thresh; /*!< UART TX empty interrupt threshold.*/
uint8_t rxfifo_full_thresh; /*!< UART RX full interrupt threshold.*/
} uart_intr_config_t;

Why am I doing this? Because I want to have an interrupt fire when a packet of 25 bytes has arrived at the UART. Another thing I'm considering is having an interrupt fire after inactivity on the rx line of the UART of at least 4 ms, but I prefer the first option because it introduces less latency.

Could someone show me how it migtht be done?

Many thanks.

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