Add external libraries to Eclipse IDE C/C++

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Add external libraries to Eclipse IDE C/C++

Postby URI1983 » Tue Nov 30, 2021 1:46 pm

I’m using Eclipse IDE C/C++ (version: 2021-06 (4.20.0)) with IDF plugging and I would like to use external libraries besides of ESP-IDF libraries. I read this IDE version doesn’t include a menu option to add library paths, and if want to use external libraries I must create a folder into my project and copy them in it, and finally modify CMakeLists.txt file and include the code line set(COMPONENT_ADD_INCLUDEDIRS "../folder_name").

When I compile an example which includes a function which belongs to an external library I get the error “undefined reference to ‘function_name’".

Are correctly the steps that I followed or there is another way to add external libraries?

Thank you for your reply.

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